Duties and Responsibilities of Department of Hydropower Implementation
- Investigation, surveying and analyzing of hydropower resources and submission of feasibility reports to Ministry of Electricity and Energy (MOEE).
- Detailed investigation, implementation, analyzing and submission for the projects that was established by MOEE, i.e-
- Short term and Long term detailed investigation and data collection by departmental experts.
- Preparation of feasibility reports by internal experts and also cooperation with foreign consultants.
- Submission for approval of MOEE and higher authorizes for getting assistance from foreign consultants in case of beyond our capabilities.
- Submission of cost estimates for projects and estimation of budgets for each fiscal year.
- Additional works concerning with above article (2).
- Consideration and submission of reports regarding for updated progress of the projects.
- Organizing the capacity building training for staffs not only in home country but also in abroad.
- Preparation of budget estimates.
- Transferring the completed hydropower plants to other related department.
- Performing of other tasks that are assigned by MOEE.
Duties and Responsibilities of Branches under DHPI
1.Administration Branch
- Issuing of department rules and regulations concerning with administration.
- Issuing of rules and regulations for DHPI’s staff.
- Performing the recruitment, transferring, promotion, pension, increment, compensation and welfare of DHPI’s staff.
- Arrangement for the case of leaves and travelling of DHPI’s staff.
- Arrangement for salaries and expenditure of DHPI’s staff on behalf of Director General.
- Arrangement for meetings, registration, supplement and keeping of personal data for DHPI’s staff.
- Selection of staff for internal trainings and nomination for oversea trainings and studying abroad.
- Arrangement for visa and stay permit of foreigner whose are cooperated with DHPI.
- Submission for DHPI’s staff for the case of reward and honor from the Nation.
- Arrangement for visiting and staying of important participants.
- Announcement of fire safety, rules and regulations.
- Taking responsible action for DHPI’s staff in accordance with Civil Service Personal Rule’s.
2.Planning and Works Branch
- Submission of hydropower sector for national investment plan.
- Estimation and submission of revenue and capital to acquire budget allocation, supplementary estimation, reallocation of budget and return of surplus budget.
- Submission for approval of construction progress in accordance with annual capital to higher authorities.
- Submission for approval of machinery purchasement in accordance with annual capital to Equipment Control Committee.
- Collecting, analyzing and interpreting of weekly and monthly construction progress reports and submission to MOEE and higher authorities.
- Analyzing of quarterly budget proposal from construction project and submission to Director General for getting approval.
- Coordination with International Organizations, World Bank and other agencies for receiving grants and loan.
- Preparation, analyzing and submission of monthly progress reports of the construction projects which are implemented with the aids of International Agencies, World Bank and other loans.
- Submission of reports to National Special Projects Implementation Committee and National Electricity Development Committee.
- Submission of project completion reports and annual reports.
- Land acquisition and compensation for implementing the projects.
- Inspection of deposit work from other departments.
- Preparation for site visit reports of higher officials and supervision for implementing in accordance with that reports.
- Arrangements for press, educating and also taking action for news in daily newspaper concerning with DHPI.
3.Accounts Branch
- Preparation of income and expenditure accounts and internal auditing.
- Preparation of department financial rules and regulation for DHPI.
- Issuing of account rules and regulation for Accounts Branch.
- Introducing of account trainings and preparation of department’s loan from other countries.
- Cooperation with Central Bank of Myanmar and Myanmar Economic Bank.
- Getting permission for using foreign exchange currency and preparation for letter of credits.
- Preparation for detecting of national monetary from accounts in case of unforeseen losses.
- Taking action for reports from Union Auditor General office.
4.Procurement Branch
- Budget estimating, reviewing and submission the budget estimate of construction material, vehicles and machineries required for projects and construction works under the Department:
- Recording, maintaining and allocating the machineries, equipment, supporting materials, communication materials:
- Listing the requirement of supporting materials, which have to be bought and distributed for maintenance works of the projects, such as oil, cement, reinforcing bars and explosive materials, submission to the upper levels, sending order (purchase) to respective branches, negotiation, allocation and transferring the purchased materials, according to the requirement,
- Procuring, systematic storing, allocating of supporting material, available in local, to the respective branches in time:
- Making lists of machineries, equipment, construction materials, office material for construction works which are purchased with foreign currency (loan, grant, free FE), submitting the lists and getting approval of Equipment Control Committee (ECC):
- Making procurement plan for machineries, equipment, construction materials, vehicles and office materials, drawing the mechanical specification, getting approval from upper levels, invitation, closing and opening the tender, drawing the comparative table of cost and specification as well as submitting it to the respective organization for tender selection, getting approval and signing purchase contract as well as ordering:
- Negotiation with Planning and Works Branch and Account Branch regarding financial works such as receiving insurance, FE permit, letter of credit (LC) for particular works already signed the purchase contract:
- Maintaining systematically the specification, documents and tender documents for data safety in implementing the purchase plan:
- Performing the services for personal belongings of foreign consultants and contractors:
- Carrying out regarding proposals of the companies wanted to sell by means of deferred payment and payment with Myanmar Kyat.
- Planning and negotiation with respective organization for the permit relating to transportation, storing and security of explosive and its related materials required for the project:
- Carrying out safety measures by planning the fire safety, checking the regular statistical data, arranging the materials systematically in the stores:
5.Design Branch
- Preparing the feasibility study reports of the new projects, setting and planning the priorities of the projects to be implemented:
- Preparing and sending the investigation assignments to the respective branches so as to submit the investigation reports:
- Designing, estimating and issuing budget estimate and periodic modify the design of camps, stores, halls constructed in the project sites:
- Carrying out the technical issues of the completed and under construction projects:
- Calculating the dam regulation and reservoir operation of the new reservoirs:
- Stipulating the technical instructions, papers and technical specification:
- Laying down the specification for quality control of hydropower projects construction:
- Maintaining the library:
- Carrying out the tasks of computer section:
- Opening the technical trainings:
- Giving the periodic refreshing courses in cooperation with the international organizations:
- Carrying out the computer applied works:
- Drawing and stipulating the design criteria:
- Carrying out the hydraulic laboratory works, quality control works:
- Preparing and maintaining the records of documents regarding design, construction and maintenance of completed hydropower projects:
- Purchasing and maintaining the maps published by Myanmar Survey Department:
6.Investigation Branch
(i) Leveling Works
1. Surveying and issuing the contour maps of reservoirs and water inundated area:
2. Setting the elevation bench marks of specific projects by carrying over the data from the bench marks which are set by the Myanmar Survey Department:
3. Detail surveying and drawing the maps for topographical condition of the construction sites of reservoir, weir, headrace tunnel, powerhouse and transmission lines:
4. At the pre-construction stage, carrying out the investigation works of small/ large-scaled hydropower projects which are assigned by the Head of the Department:
5. Carrying out the quarries required for the hydropower projects:
6. Issuing and maintaining the maps in accordance with the projects which have been already surveyed:
7. Purchasing and maintaining the maps published by Myanmar Survey Department:
8. Negotiation with Myanmar Survey Department for taking aerial photos of the project sites and maintaining the surveyed photos:
(ii) Meteorological and Hydrological Investigation Works
- Collecting the meteorological and hydrological data for design purpose required for the construction of hydropower projects:
- Measuring the discharge, recording the water level by installing the meteorological and hydrological stations on the rivers planned for project implementation as well as high potential rivers:
- Measuring and recording the meteorological and hydrological data such as water level, discharge, precipitation, temperature, evaporation, humidity, wind velocity, etc.
- Collecting and saving the data bank for meteorology and hydrology by using computers:
7.Responsibilities and Duties of Geology Branch
- Investigation of topographical and geological conditions along dam alignment and project area of the assumed hydropower project location.
- Investigation of topographical and geological conditions of catchment area.
- Exploration of geological mapping.
- Recognizing of engineering geological conditions of the project area by excavating test pits.
- Measuring seepage at project site
- Testing of seepage conditions by sending the soil sample from test pits and test trenches to the main laboratory.
- Performing test grouting
- Supervising the usage of explosive materials in diversion tunnel, headrace tunnel and surge tank.
- Performing grouting works in supporting works of main structures.
- Maintenance of drilling machines and its accessories.
- Performing foundation treatment in hydroelectric structures.
- Exploration the borrow area for construction materials.
8.Responsibilities and Duties of Mechanical Branch
- Maintenance of department own heavy machineries and equipments and coordination in construction works with required machineries.
- Maintenance of department own office-use and construction-use vehicles.
- Inspection, Instruction for the maintenance and systematic utilization of machineries equipments and vehicles of subordinated mechanical workshops and offices as well as those under construction (sites).
- Handing out the repaired machineries and vehicles to the related construction sites and offices by the permission of department officials.
- Receiving and collecting of machineries, equipments and the spare parts from foreign countries, distribution and dispatching to construction sites and offices and overlooking the process handling.
- Listing the required spare parts of machineries and vehicles and to get permission from director general in order to purchase from local and foreign.
- Performing to uphold, hand out, inquire and take notification of the certain spare parts of machineries, equipments and vehicles from store rooms.
- Performing to uphold, hand out, inquire and take notification of oil and lubricant.
- Listing of annual requirement of vehicles tyres, batteries and oil and lubricant.
- Listing and reporting on actual maintenance of machineries, equipments and vehicles and checking of quarterly appropriation.
- Issue the technical notes concerned with the operation and maintenance of heavy vehicles, machine and machine tools.
- Assist in regular training and special training and oversea training program for mechanical department officials and staffs.
- Appointing staff and arranging safety plan and fire hazard protection plan for workshops, stores, garages and staff residences.
- Performing breakdown of budget to assistant director offices, reviewing the expenditure and checking the estimates that are submitted from the other mechanical offices.
- Assist and coordinate with the other mechanical offices under the construction sites.
- Repair and maintain for heavy machine and vehicles, list down the departmental own of equipment, machines and vehicles.
- Supervising the operation of machineries and equipments effectively in construction sites.
9.Responsibilities and Duties of Mechanical and Electrical Installation Branch
a.Mechanical Installation Works
- Preparation of design ,giving purchase order of mechanical equipment and materials for fabrication and installation of mechanical works, trash racks and cranes of hydropower project
- Preparation of standards and specification for gates and valves ,trash racks and gantry cranes of large scale hydropower project and obligation for reviewing of those standards
- Installation of large gated, valves, trash racks and gantry cranes procured from foreign countries.
- Installation of penstock pipes, low pressure pipes and testing welding joints with ultra sound or X-ray methods in hydropower projects.
- Preparation of standards and specifications for turbine, generator, governor, gate valves and water pipes and obligation for reviewing of those standards.
- Installation of turbine, generator, governor, gate valve procedure from foreign countries.
b.Electrical Installation Works
- Preparation of standards and specification of generators, exciter, transformer, switchyard, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCATA) system and protection system and obligation for reviewing of those standards.
- Installation of generator, exciter, transformer, switchgear, supervisory control and data acquisition (SCATA) system and protection system.
- Preparation of standards and specifications of equipment installed in switchyard and obligation for reviewing of those standards.
- Installation of switchyard.
10.Responsibilities and Duties of Maintenance Branch
- Maintenance of existing reservoirs, dam and appurtenant structures, hydroelectric structures, canals and penstock.
- Recording and collecting data form daily readings by using dam instrumentations that are installed inside dam body and foundation of earth dam, fill dam, RCC dam and concrete dam in order know dam behaviors.
- Collecting data from water level gauges, daily reservoir inflow and outflow, agricultural purpose flow and environmental flow.
- Maintenance of access roads to hydropower station and other existing access roads in power plants.
- Implementation of small scale hydropower projects and the maintenance of existing hydropower stations.
- Implementation of deposit work of other organization for hydropower project.
- Maintenance and protection of the blockage of water free flow from intake structures, water control gates and trash racks which are installed in exiting large/small scale hydropower plants.
- Investigation and collection of hydrological and metrological data so that to develop the reconnaissance studies report of small scale hydropower projects.
- Performing in the ordinary protection and special maintenance of hydropower plants and other related civil structures.
- Performing in the general maintenances of civil engineering works.
- Performing in current budget estimation in order to get the budget permission and supplementary budget permission.
- Performing in the maintenance plan of existing large/small hydropower project and implementation plan of small scale hydropower project depend upon annual budget year basic.
- For monthly report materials, tools and plants for each office in site are listed and registered.
- Prepare the annual report including the administration work, procurement work, registration of tools and plants, working schedule and financial work.
- Sharing of technical knowhow to the department officials and staffs in order to upgrade their abilities and efficiencies.
Duty and Responsibilities of Natural Pozzolan Grinding Plant
(a) Manufacturing of natural pozzolan for utilizing in major priority projects of MOEE.
(b) Educating and Introducing Rules and Regulations for the Staff of the plant.
(c) Supervision on all the steps of manufacturing, distribution and minimize the wastage.
(d) Arrangement the procedure for general security, natural disasters and in case of fire.
(e) Arrangement for discipline, health and welfare of the staff.
(f) Checking the income, expenditure and accounts of the plant.
(g) Maintaining the whole plant, machinery and vehicles to be good running condition.
(h) Cooperating with local authorities and other regional department.
(i) Introducing the well plan to fulfill the daily, monthly and annual demand from the projects.
(j) Cooperating in social welfare of local residents to receive good impressions from them.